• What are the benefits of Castor Oil for the Hair & Scalp?
Castor oil is a nutrient-dense oil extracted from castor beans. It has many uses in the fields of medicine, household, and pharmaceutical. It is also widely used in skincare and cosmetics for its healing properties. Here we will focus on its benefits for the hair and scalp. It includes promoting hair growth, preventing hair fall, strengthening brittle hair, and nourishing and moisturizing dry hair & scalp. To sum it up, the general health and look of your hair will be enhanced when using castor oil. It is an easy natural remedy to fix numerous hair and scalp issues. Castor oil acts as a humectant, meaning it will deeply moisturize your hair and scalp, hence reducing dryness, hair breakage, and preventing dandruff, contributing to a shinier, healthier-looking hair. With a rich content in vitamin E and other antioxidants, Castor Oil keeps the hair healthy, strong and shiny. Castor Oil enhances the overall health of the hair and scalp. Castor oil also has antibacterial and anti fungal properties, reducing inflammation.
  • How to use?
Castor oil has a thick and sticky consistency, so it is advised to mix it with another carrier oil before applying on your hair and scalp for an easier application and rinse. Ratio is 1part of castor oil, for 1 part of the other carrier oil. For the choice of carrier oil to mix it with, here are some tips according to your hair condition :
  • For dry hair : Coconut oil – The well-known Coconut oil will give moisture to your hair and scalp. Enhancing dry hair and dandruff issues.
  • For damaged hair, split ends, frizzy hair. : Argan oil – it will help repair those hair but also get you smoother and softer hair. Argan is a powerful oil doing wonders. Great for your hair texture !
  • For falling hair / For hair growth stimulation : Mustard Oil – It will stimulate the growth of hair. The components in mustard oil affect particular receptors within the follicle that are known to control hair growth.
  • Additionally, as an option, you can add a few drops of essential oil, such as Rosemary Essential Oil that is known to stimulate hair growth and fight hair fall.
Apply your oil preparation over dry scalp and hair starting by the scalp, and then going down from the roots to the ends of your hair, proceeding section by section. Massage your scalp for 5 minutes and leave it on for at least 20-30 minutes. More if you wish so! Do this hair oil bath once to twice a week. You should quickly notice a healthier, stronger hair, and hair growth within a couple of months.

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